The Completion of Benjamin’s Baby Quilt

Benjamin’s baby quilt is complete.  Hallelujah.


Pestering me to finish his quilt.

I gave it to him last week, and he was really excited about it.  He wanted it laid out immediately, and then had me flip it over.

Because the back side is so much cooler than the front side, Mom. 

The front side – the side that actually looks good – is apparently “dirt”.


He shakes it out frequently (to get the dirt off), and then flips it to the back side, which is “concrete”.


I spent hours on the front.  Hours!  Years!

I suppose this is what happens when you present your toddler with his baby quilt.  It simply becomes fodder for his imagination.

At least he enjoys it.

Thanks, Mom.

About pokedpotato

Cheese lover.
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8 Responses to The Completion of Benjamin’s Baby Quilt

  1. Valerie says:

    BOTH sides are beautiful!! Wow!
    And YAY that he likes it! Did he see you making it? I had to try and hide the felt car mat I made for Samuel recently. I knew he’d want it if he saw what it was! 😛

  2. Mom's Place of Sanity says:

    Such a beautiful baby quilt both sides are equally beautiful! I made my son a rag blanket and he prefers the back side rather then the front and he is the one who chose the fabrics for the front. I guess as long as he loves the quilt that’s all that matters!

    • pokedpotato says:

      Aww thanks! That makes me feel better =) I totally don’t get little kids sometimes! Yes, I agree, as long as he loves the quilt, it’s all good =) That is awesome your son got to choose his fabric for the blanket you made him! I made my older son a blanket too & he chose the fabric, but I tried doing the same thing with Ben (blanket has yet to be made), and he was just crazy – professed to love any fabric we handed him at the store. So who knows if he will like the back or the front of his blanket =)

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